Makeup og Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 230

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. Det er mer bare en stadig utviklende (devolving?), Noe tilfeldig liste over spørsmål jeg har satt ut til leserne hver mandag morgen de siste fire årene. Jeg har alltid hatt glede av å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, og jeg håper du liker å lese min.

Chill and very happy. El Hub and I spent a super low-key and relaxing two days at his parent’s house in a town way up near the Oregon border called Redding last weekend. Basically, lots of hanging out and eating. It was glorious! I even napped a couple of times.

Do you prefer oceans, lakes or rivers?
Havet! — preferably warm, turquoise ones like the Pacific around Hawaii.

What’s one makeup tip that has been of terrific help to you?
Ooh! Here’s one that’s helped me a ton! To make sure your brows are filled in evenly, tilt your head slightly upward when you look straight into your mirror. For some reason, that slight change in perspective makes it much easier to see when one brow is shorter or longer than the other, or when your angles are just not quite even.

What are three things guaranteed to make you smile?
1) quoting lines from the movie Stepbrothers (“This is a house of learn-ed doctors!” LOL!), 2) when someone holds the door open for me, and 3) fresh freesia flowers.

Regular or decaf?
Regular, or half-caf when I’m feeling edgy.

Have you ever played beach volleyball?
Oh, hell naw! That’s like my nightmare sport. I have problems with projectile activities… Whenever I see a ball coming toward me I run away! Plus, there’s the whole problem with jumping around in the sand, which gets all up in my business.

Sure is fun to watch, though.

When do you usually have the most energy during the day?
Usually mid-morning right after my run.

What’s one makeup or beauty product you’ve really wanted to try but haven’t quite gotten around to yet?
Even though I need another bronzer like I need to hear that Maroon 5 song about the payphones again (why is it always on the radio?!), I’m dying to try Chanel’s Soleil de Tan (LOL! I just accidentally typed “Soleil de Tabs.”).

I’m on a mission to find a magic cream bronzer! will this be the one? Hmm…

What’s a book you loved as a child?
Harriet the Spy. I read it so many times that my copy literally fell apart at the seams!

Weekly goals:
To get a new pool key from the housing association (still can’t find my old one), to try a couple of new foundations, and to focus on doing just one task at a time (no multitasking!).

Hey, cutie patootie. before you let your fingers do the talking on today’s Monday Poll, will you do me a quick favor first? Please give me a big smile. like my mom always says, “Smile and the whole world smiles with you.”

For å fullføre mandagsundersøkelsen, bare kopier du følgende liste, og lim den inn med svarene dine i kommentarene.

1. Mood:
2. Do you prefer oceans, lakes or rivers?
3. What’s one makeup tip that has been of terrific help to you?
4. What are three things guaranteed to make you smile?
5. regular or decaf?
6. have you ever played beach volleyball?
7. When do you usually have the most energy during the day?
8. What’s one makeup or beauty product you’ve really wanted to try but haven’t quite gotten around to yet?
9. What’s a book you loved as a child?
10. Ukentlige mål:



Have a terrific week, okay? I hope it’s filled with extra laughter and lots of love.

Din vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,


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