Makeup og Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 502

happy Monday! (These are some of the new MAC Grand illusion liquid Lipcolour shades that are on counters meow.)

Så … Hva er mandagsundersøkelsen?

Vel, det er ikke akkurat en meningsmåling. It’s more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past 10 (!) years. (Det er som en kickstart for hjernen din.) Jeg har alltid hatt glede av å lese svarene dine i kommentarene, og jeg håper du liker å lese min.

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being normal and 1 being barely able to form a cohesive thought, how alert are you before you have that first cup of tea/coffee in the morning?

I’ll go with 3.

It’s not that I’m mean or crabby right when I first get up…but I’m not particularly friendly either, ha! Or talkative, for that matter.


It takes about 30 minutes and something caffeinated before my engine gets started and I’m ready to go. before that, nuh-uh, don’t even talk to this girl. maybe don’t even look my way, haha! because I’m a grumpy goat.

2. have you ever taken a vacation by yourself?

Have I ever taken a vacation by myself?

Ya know, I haven’t, but it’s definitely something on my bucket list. A friend once told me that both of her parents would take vacations by themselves, which I thought was cool.

I don’t know… I love sharing experiences and exploring new places with other people, but I also like being by myself sometimes and doing whatever I want on my terms and my own schedule.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

I know that sounds a little selfish, but it’s something from my former life before El Hub, Tabs and Connor, from that part of me that loved being able to pick up and do whatever I wanted to, whenever I wanted to do it…

3. At what age did you learn how to drive?

I think I was 20, and it was in my sophomore or junior year of college. It was later than my friends, who were all driving in high school.

4. Does your makeup change with the seasons?

Ja og nei. Like, I’m down to wear whatever colors in whatever season, but I like to wear less makeup overall in the spring and summer when it’s hot, and more makeup when it’s cold.

5. Where are you spending your Thanksgiving?

Right here in good ol’ Novato. We’re hosting again this year, and ya know, I wish I could say that this is going to be the year I make the whole meal from start to finish, but that’s just not happening. I ordered the turkey, sides and fixin’s from Nugget Market, and my parents and in-laws are bringing appetizers and pies.

It should be fun! I plan to spend a lot of the day lounging around, chasing the cat and the baby, and enjoying a little downtime with my family.

Din vennlige nabolag skjønnhetsavhengige,



P.S. Her er spørsmålene å kopiere og lime inn:

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being normal and 1 being barely able to form a cohesive thought, how alert are you before you have that first cup of tea/coffee in the morning?
2. have you ever taken a vacation by yourself?
3. At what age did you learn how to drive?
4. Does your makeup change with the seasons?
5. Where are you spending your Thanksgiving?

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