Products I have completely used Up! will I Repurchase Them?

Do you get that intense feeling of complete satisfaction when you use the last drop of something you’ve been working on for months? It makes me feel like an actual responsible adult who got her money’s worth! If I completely use up a product, it’s typically a testament to how much I love using it…usually.

Rather than chucking my empties into the garbage, I channeled my inner hoarder and kept my trash in a box to take pictures of and show you all. completely normal!


1. easy Cleansing Facial Wipes ($5.99 at Ulta)

Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes ($5.99 for 25 wipes, available at Ulta)
I’ve gone through an absurd number of these wipes — like, literally much more than 20 packs of 25 wipes! I really ought to collect the empty wrappers to see how numerous I actually use…

These are my all-time favorite go-to makeup removers. I’ve tried numerous different wipes and even micellar water on cotton pads. some of them are nice, but I always, always, always come back to these.

The actual cloth wipes are so good and soft and don’t irritate my skin, and the cleanser they’re soaked in is very gentle and doesn’t burn my eyes, but it still does the job and gets off all of my makeup.


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$ 42.

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Will I repurchase them? Yes, I already have, and I’m rapidly burning through my last pack!

2. Pixi glow Tonic exfoliating Toner ($15 for 3.4 oz.)

Pixi glow Tonic ($15 for 3.4 oz.)
Ugh, I hate how fast I go through these toners! I get the smaller, less expensive 3.4-oz. bottle because I feel like I’m being oh, so thrifty, but I fly through them in about three weeks (I use it twice a day).

I really ought to get the bigger bottle, huh.

I fell in love with this toner a few months ago and have been religiously using it ever since. I like that it’s exfoliating and helps get rid of some of the bumpy, uneven texture I tend to get on my skin. It really does leave my skin very soft and glowing.

I’ve talked about why I think toners are so essential in my Pixi Skincare routine post, but you really ought to use one. Egentlig.

Will I repurchase? Ja! As soon as I make it back to Target, which is about an hour away from where I live!

Jeg vet. feel sorry for me.

3. yes To Tomatoes Acne Clearing Facial Toner ($9.99 for 8.5 oz.)

Yes To Tomatoes Acne Clearing Facial Toner ($9.99 for 8.5 oz.)
You know how when you use something and you’re trying to decide what you think about it, but you really don’t know? That’s how I feel about yes To Tomatoes Acne Clearing Facial Toner…

I picked it up when my skin was acting up and used it off and on for about six months until I finished it.

I really don’t know what to say about this one!

Obviously, it didn’t “wow!” me, but I didn’t hate it either. It did the job and got my skin very clean, but I can’t really remember if it helped me with breakouts or not. My guess is that if I don’t remember, it probably didn’t.

I wouldn’t completely write this one off, though, if you’re searching for something with salicylic acid and witch hazel to keep your pores good and tight. I do really like the ingredients in this.

Will I repurchase it? probably not…mostly because I wasn’t wow’d by it.

4. Ole Henrikson Nurture Me moisturizer ($40)

Ole Henrikson Nurture Me ($40)
I wish I remember the name of the man who helped me that fateful day in Sephora when I was encouraged to give this moisturizer a try because he changed my life!

OK, that’s a little much, but I love this moisturizer so much. I went in searching for something, anything, to help calm the redness that I was experiencing on my skin and came out with this.

First off, I have to tell you how good it smells, because if something smells amazing, that makes me love it 100 times more. It legit smells like the most delicious orange Creamcicles… My mouth waters each time I use it.

Of course, the smell isn’t why I use it, though. Not only does it soothe my skin and ease the redness, but it makes my skin feel so smooth and comfortable. There are no massive, angry breakouts, no redness, no rough texture. My skin is happy!

Will I repurchase? Absolutt! As soon as all the bills are paid and everyone has what they need, I will purchase my magic orange Creamsicle again.

5. Mario Badescu drying lotion ($17)

Mario Badescu drying lotion ($17)
Drying Lotion. sounds like a bit of a contradiction, doesn’t it? Basically, this is a spot treatment for blemishes, and guys, it works. If you’ve got a massive, angry spot, get a Q-tip, get some of the product on there, and coat the hideous offender before bed. It’ll shrink overnight and become so much much more manageable.

I don’t know how it works so well, but it does. It should include magical ingredients to suck all of the gunk (mmm, yummy) out of your zit and clear it up so much faster than it would have if you had just left it alone.

Sadly, I ought to stillHa mye igjen, men jeg spilte det over alt. Dermed den ekle utseende flasken.

Vil jeg tilbakekjøpe? Ja! Så snart huden min begynner å handle opp igjen, som det alltid gjør, velger jeg en ny opp på ULA.

6. Makeup Forever HD Microfinish Powder ($ 35)

Makeup Forever HD Microfinish Powder ($ 35)
Nå, for et par ferdige sminke ting …

Først fikk jeg en liten størrelse på sminke for alltid HD mikrofinish pulver fordi jeg alltid hadde hørt kjempebra ting om det og måtte gi det en prøve for meg selv. Vel, det klarte ikke å leve opp til sitt rykte!

Dette er et så godt pulver. Det er unnoticeable på huden, men mattifies noen glans du har og gjør at du ser ut som du er airbrushed. Jeg bruker det for det meste til å sette min unndye concealer fordi det ikke krøller i det hele tatt.

Jeg vil også støv et lett lag over grunnlaget mitt der det hjelper min bronzer, rødme, og høydepunkt blander seg perfekt og aldri gå klumpete eller ujevn.

Vil jeg tilbakekjøpe? Yup, har allerede full størrelse!


Nyx Micro Brow blyant ($ 9,99)
Beste Brow blyant i verden best her!

Vel, det er bundet med Anastasia Brow Wiz, men det er halv pris! – Som jeg antar gjør det bedre. Forslaget er den ideelle størrelsen for virkelig lette flippende bevegelser for å skape realistiske pannehår, som er min favoritt måte å fylle ut bryn på.

Det er ikke mye annet å si om denne … det er bare den ideelle brow blyant!


Interessert i hvordan jeg fyller ut mine penner? Her er min trinnvise opplæring!

Brows fylt ved bruk av Nyx Micro Brow blyant
Vil jeg tilbakekjøpe det? Vært der gjort det! Faktisk vil jeg sannsynligvis være ferdig med denne her snart.

Hva er et produkt du går gjennom og om igjen?

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