Søndager med faner katten, sminke og klageblogg mascot, vol. 164

Tabs and I really took pleasure in reading your thoughts on why family pets love stinky things and thought it might be fun to learn a little a lot more about your furry (or furless, whatever the case may be) friends.

Same idea as the Monday Poll. just copy/paste the list at the bottom into your comment.



I can’t wait to hear about your canine, feline, amphibious, reptilian (or other) companions/employers.

Hvem er faner katten? For omtrent tre år siden skjønte jeg en bortfall, loppebitt i tabby katt med et dårlig tilfelle av ormer. Jeg kunne se at han ble falt på vanskelige tider, men hans dype kunnskap om høymote og varehus kosmetikk førte meg til å tro at han var mye mer enn å møte øyet. Vi ble raske venner, og nå er han faktisk sjefen min (og en vellykket kattunge).

The Sundays with Tabs Sunday Pet Poll

How did your pet come by his/her name?

We’d started out calling him “F.T.,” which was short for Fussy Tabby, but that didn’t stick. At some point, F.T. just became Tabs, and he’s had the name ever since.

How old is your pet?

He’s about five (going on 40).

Can you describe your pet’s appearance?

Tabs is an 18-pound black and gray tabby with patches of orange on his nose and tum. While he fancies himself coming from a long line of feline royalty, officially, his breed is American short Hair (but don’t tell him).

How did you become your pet’s personal assistant?

Well, when I met Tabs back in 2007, he was a scraggly, flea-bitten stray kitten who hung around the apartment or condo complex I was living in. He kept his distance at first. I’d see him perched up on a hill next to our unit, or slinking around the vehicle parking garage, but he’d never walk up and say hello.

Believe it or not, he was actually a skinny kitty back then, LOL! So skinny that I was anxious that he wasn’t getting enough to eat, so one day I gotten a box of dry food and set some out on a plate by the front door. When I’d hear a noise, I’d enjoy him through the peephole, sneaking up every few days for a meal. then it was every other day, and then every day, until eventually, I guess he just started to think of El Hub and me as his humans. I was a lot more than delighted to take on the job of being his assistant.

How would you describe your pet’s personality?

I’ll let you in on a secret. even though Tabs likes to front like he’s a diva, he’s actually a really sweet kid — outgoing, affectionate and loving. wherever you are, that’s where he wants to be, and he follows me from room to room. people who meet him say he’s nearly dog-like in some ways. He loves to go out for walks on his leash, runs to the door when El Hub gets home from work, and even plays fetch!

What’s your pet’s favorite pastime or toy?

His feather teaser toy. It’s generally just a bunch of feathers at the end of a piece of string dangling from a plastic stick, but he stalks those feathers like they’re attached to a wild turkey! It’s so much fun to watch.

What are your pet’s favorite snacks or foods?

Fancy Feast in gravy, of course! It doesn’t really matter what flavor it is, as long as it’s in gravy. He also loves sliced turkey (the kind for sandwiches). and fresh zinnia leaves.

When was the last time your pet got into really, really big trouble?

Although he was never convicted (there was a lack of evidence), he’s the prime suspect in last year’s Christmas tree incident.

What’s one of your favorite things about your pet?

Sometimes when I’m writing at my desk, Tabs will jump on my lap, drape his upper body across my ideal arm (always my ideal arm) and take a nap. For the record, it’s not easy to type with 18 pounds of cat on your arm, but he’s just so blasted cute when he does it that I can’t say no.

To complete the Sundays with Tabs Sunday Pet Poll, just copy the following list, and paste it with your answers in the comments.

1. how did your pet come by his/her name?
2. how old is your pet?
3. Can you describe your pet’s appearance?
4. how did you become your pet’s personal assistant?
5. how would you describe your pet’s personality?
6. What’s your pet’s favorite pastime or toy?
7. What are your pet’s favorite snacks or foods?
8. When was the last time your pet got into really, really big trouble?
9. What’s one of your favorite things about your pet?

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